

Migration Patterns

Urbanisation -Construction-Migration Nexus

Author : Sunil Kumar, Melissa Fernandez | 2015
Published By: LSE Research Online

The policy challenges faced by internal rural-urban contract construction labour migrants are different to those experienced by international labour construction migrants. In both instances, they experience: wage exploitation; health and safety violations; and poor living (including sanitary) conditions. However, there is more data available on the latter in relation to nationality, scale of migration and their sponsors. Furthermore, nation-states are less able to absolve themselves of their responsibility to their “citizens” abroad. In comparison, the state is largely absent in honouring its responsibility to internal rural-urban construction migrants – a situation exacerbated by their invisibility.

URL : http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/64169/1/Kumar_Urbanisation-construction-migration.pdf

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