


Review of Migration and Resettlement in Bangladesh: Effects of Climate Change and its Impact on Gender Roles

Author : Anwara Begum | 2017
Published By: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

After the successful completion of the sixth five-year plan (2010-2015), Bangladesh has been promoted to a lower-middle income country. However, this was just one of the many goals that were set – many other goals have not been successfully achieved. Bangladesh still faces several crises on multiple fronts. The majority of the population still lies in rural areas that are prone to natural disasters. The rising population and the quest for rapid urbanization (which causes people to move into the major urban centers – namely Dhaka and Chittagong) are two major issues which need to be addressed immediately. Problems pertaining to climate change, gender roles, migration and resettlement still persist. Such issues create the driving force for migration and resettlement into newer surroundings – surroundings that potentially offer better livelihoods and safety. Several government and private sector policies exist to account for these changes. Some of them are timeworn and ineffective, and some of them do not address issues clearly. There is need for adjustment of these policies. This review analyzes migration and resettlement in Bangladesh, its causes and concerns (in relation to climate change and gender roles), and recommends strategies and policy reforms to accommodate migration and resettlement in order to make Vision 2021 a reality.

URL : 20170801025302.pdf

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