

Recognition for India's Invisible workers

Author : Neelam Agnihotri | 2011
Published By: International Labour Organization (ILO)

Domestic workers play an important part in the economy and they allow others to go out and earn money. Yet they remain invisible, unprotected and their contribution is often not recognized.For various reasons, official statistics tend to undercount domestic workers. The case of India is particularly striking given the magnitude of the difference: estimates of the number of domestic workers in this country range between 2.5 and 90 million. Paid domestic work is increasing in many economies worldwide but it remains a virtually invisible form of employment in many countries. It is also generally seen as unskilled work, a natural extension of women’s work in their own homes.

URL : http://ilo.org/global/publications/magazines-and-journals/world-of-work-magazine/articles/WCMS_161811/lang--en/index.htm

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