

Migration Patterns

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Migrant Children and Children Born to Migrant Parents: Challenges, Good Practices and Recommendations

Author : United Nations (UN) | 2010
Published By: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Ensuring that all migrants, irrespective of their migration status, are free to enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) is a fundamental challenge for the universality of human rights proclaimed in 1948. The vast majority of children who move internationally, whether accompanied by their families or as unaccompanied minors, are seeking greater enjoyment of their rights. In this regard, it is important to remember that the deprivation of ESCR in countries of origin is a root cause of migration.

URL : http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/MHR/Consultation2010/3a.UNICEF_ESCR_Migrants.pdf

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