


Internal migration and economic development of smart cities

Author : Nalin Ranjan, Mayank Dubey | 2017
Published By: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

The economic growth of India is at a brink of stability and we are moving towards “Drive to maturity” (A Development stage of Rostow’s Model). In such a sensitive environment, the human resource and migration of the people from rural to urban area play a conducive role in the emerging economy. The internal migration trends of India reveal some very relevant issues of the economy which demonstrate the facts of developing economy in India. Stated reason of male migrants is the most important topic of study. In 2007–2008, 28.5% of rural male migrants and a majority 55.7% of urban male migrants gave economic reasons for migration. These migrants not just participate in economic activity but also carve out a much need “social Status” Analysis of earlier NSS rounds by several authors has shown that migrants are better off than non- migrants. The NSS provides the MPCE (monthly per capita expenditure) decilewise distribution of migrants as well as the migration rate by deciles. The migration rate is much higher in the top deciles, especially for males. In fact, the rate is more than six times in the highest decile than in the bottom decile (for males) and more than five times in the highest decile compared with the lowest decile for urban males. As a result, there is higher percentage of migrants in the top deciles.

URL : https://www.irjet.net/archives/V4/i6/IRJET-V4I6268.pdf

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