

Living and Working Conditions

Risks and Rewards: Outcomes of Labour Migration in South-East Asia

Author : Benjamin Harkins, Daniel Lindgren, Tarinee Suravoranon | 2017
Published By: ILO

Even though labour migraton has never featured more prominently within ASEAN than it does today, there remains a dearth of reliable data that can be applied for the development of evidence-based policy and programming. While assumptions are often made about the end result of migration in ASEAN and how best to ensure a safe and rewarding experience for migrant workers, the collecton and analysis of empirical data has been very limited. Due to the temporary and irregular nature of much of the migraton occurring within the region, the realites faced by migrant workers are ofen hidden from view. This study helps to fll the knowledge gap on the socio-economic outcomes of migration into low-skilled work within ASEAN.

URL : http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/wcms_613815.pdf

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