A visual snapshot of PEPUS (Paryavaran Evam Prodyogiki Utthan Samiti) and their interventions in the last six months. This photo-narrative presents an insight into the communities PEPUS works with, and the day-to-day interventions such organisations undertake.
Posts Tagged ‘government schemes’
The Art of Being Indispensable
Being indispensable for somebody is a commendable achievement-to be absolutely necessary implies great potential as a resource and being able to provide some service, without which, you cannot sustain. When the idea of ‘being indispensable’ is placed in larger context of society and its structure, whoever or whatever assumes that role is of intense importance […]
Legal clinics, BOCW linkages, and mobile kiosks: SSK’s recent interventions
During the month of May, SSK organized Legal Clinic Day, facilitated the linking of workers to their entitlements under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, and set up two mobile kiosks at fairs and market places to share details about facilities and schemes available for migrant workers.
Gram-Utthan celebrates International Labour Day
Labour Day Celebrations were jointly organised by SSSK, Gram-Utthan and the Kanika Nirman Sramik Sangha at Charapada.
PARDA celebrates International Labour Day
May Day was observed by PARDA in collaboration with legal service authorities of the government, at Nuapada on 1st May. The celebration was an occasion to highlight key issues faced by migrants, such as the disconnect between government schemes and beneficiaries, the scope of labour laws, and how legal grievances can best be addressed.