Post by Bimal Sahu, former Insurance Commissioner, ESIC, Ministry of Labour. Recently, newspapers reported the unfortunate and sad news about the death of 4 scavengers of Delhi Muncipal Corporation while cleaning safety tanks in the city. This was preceded by similar occurrence involving scavengers in cities like Chennai and Chandigarh. As per report available through […]
Posts Tagged ‘Urban India’
Smart City, Smart Scavengers through Safety, Social Security & Skill Development
Amrit on July 26th, 2017
The Art of Being Indispensable
Aritra Chakrabarty on June 26th, 2015
Being indispensable for somebody is a commendable achievement-to be absolutely necessary implies great potential as a resource and being able to provide some service, without which, you cannot sustain. When the idea of ‘being indispensable’ is placed in larger context of society and its structure, whoever or whatever assumes that role is of intense importance […]
‘Making Labour Markets Work’: SHRAMIC National Workshop
Radhika M. Chakraborty on April 27th, 2015
Strengthen and Harmonize Research and Action on Migration (SHRAMIC) organised a half-day event on 13 February 2015 at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. Focusing on the theme of labour markets, the workshop brought together over 70 government officials, policymakers, NGOs, academicians, researchers, social entrepreneurs and corporations to focus on the role of labour […]